New! PDF and Printing Locations

I'm rolling out a new update this week that includes two important features:

1) Location printing
2) Emailing locations as PDFs

Both of those features will make it easier for you to share your locations with people. I would love your feedback about the new features, and how would you like me to improve them. This is just a first iteration, and you can have a very direct impact on the future versions of the app!

As always, you can email me from within the app (under Options / Bug report), or write me at pavel ((at))

Happy location scouting!


  1. will this be available on ipad soon? That would be terriffic with the mini's, pro's, etc. great production tools!

    -- Adair Crow Riviera Maya Grip Productions

  2. exporting to PDF isn't working for me. It says creating document, but then never does anything. Does this feature work? Would love some help! Trying to send our scout day to our director

  3. Hi, just purchased your app. The pdf export doesn't work for me either. So, for the moment there is no way for me to share with other members of the crew, locations I have been scouting.. Thank you for your support.

  4. LOVE the app, so user friendly and helpful when shooting in multiple locations. Question... I tried sharing a location by emailing PDF and it says preparing document but then fails. I've tried sharing with Mapapic user and that doesn't work either. Let me know how I should get the locations off my phone and into a PDF :) Also, the app started saving my pictures halfway through the shoot so I'm really desperate right now!


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